Our 5-Ring Circus

Our 5-Ring Circus

Scooter, Quab and Bugs

Scooter, Quab and Bugs
Serving the Princesses since 2004

Tiana and Goose

Tiana and Goose
They really need all of those big brothers...

Monday, June 1, 2009


Enough whining. Deleted!


FullPlateMom said...

That's the very reason I didn't put the ticker on my blog, the ticker in my head is annoying enough. After awhile, I would want to squish that little fairy. Praying for peace for you today.

Lois said...

oooh, I'm sorry it's so hard isn't it? You are maybe half way through.I think youre going to learn what the word Patients is all about! Hang in there...

the H family said...

It just rolled over to 3 months today. Ugh.