Our 5-Ring Circus

Our 5-Ring Circus

Scooter, Quab and Bugs

Scooter, Quab and Bugs
Serving the Princesses since 2004

Tiana and Goose

Tiana and Goose
They really need all of those big brothers...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ready, OKAY!

Since we live in Utah, the most appropriate phrase I can think of is Oh My Heck! We have a cheerleader in our home. And a full-contact football player. An X-Man, which means he is able to leap tall buildings in a single bound and/or flatten most other kids his age. I'm not sure which is more frightening to me. Probably the cheerleading. To all of my friends who know what a Herkie is and can do one, you know I love ya!


exmish said...

How about used-ta coulda? :D

I always hated jumps. I was the quintessential base. :D (Until I got my school to allow a dance team, and then I jumped ship, haha.)


Oh my Heck! No way! I say that all the time! :) And I have learned that there is no fry sauce in Texas....it's a "Utah Thang" :)