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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Deals to Meals

We are probably all familiar with the grocery/coupon websites that tell us where the best sales are, what coupons to use, etc. It works well if you eat and use the products that have coupons. We usually don't and I really hate clipping coupons. I have friends who swear by this type of program and it works well for their families. I'm not badmouthing these systems at all, they just don't work for me. So, last week we had an Enrichment night (kind of like a Mom's Night Out, for my non-LDS readers) on how to buy and actually use a year's supply of food, for the least amount of money. In our church, we are constantly encouraged to store a year's supply of the basics, so that we will be prepared and self-sufficient in the event of a job loss, natural disaster, family emergency, etc. We are also encouraged to live debt-free and save whatever we can for the future. Good ideas for everyone, in my opinion. There is a FABULOUS website called Deals to Meals (look on my sidebar for the button) that will guide you every week to the best deals for food storage and pantry basics, without coupons (unless it is in the store's ad that week). If you clip coupons, you could get even better prices on the name-brand items. The idea is not just to build up a year's supply and let it sit in the basement, but to actually use and rotate everything throughout the year. And it is not just for Utah, either. ALL of the western states and Texas are represented! It costs about $1.25 per week to receive the lists and other features on the website. I have used the site once and saved at least 100 times that much in one trip to one store! I have such peace of mind knowing that I can do this for my family and save money at the same time. Let me tell you, a family of 7 has a HUGE grocery bill, especially when the oldest kids are boys who never.stop.eating!

Just in case you care, Deals to Meals is not compensating me in any way for this post. They probably have no idea who I am! But I'm totally a fan.

1 comment:


You go girl! I loved this info!
Thanks for sharing it!!!