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Monday, May 24, 2010

Families Supporting Adoption National Conference

You can now register online for the 2010 FSA National conference. It will be in Layton, Utah again this year at the Davis Conference Center (also the same as last year). This year's theme is "Together By Divine Design." How many of us feel like this is the way our children came to our families?! This was an EXCELLENT conference, and I would love to go again. The transracial adoption classes and birthmother panel were especially awesome. It's great to meet families that look like yours and make friends who *totally* understand where you are and what you're dealing with. Let me know if you are coming!


Adrienne said...

I love the FSA Conference and look forward to it each year! It is a good place to find like minded people who truly are looking to make their children's lives the best they can. To find encouragement and answers that help in our journey to each create our best family. As different and colorful as that can be.

Tracy said...

Totally off subject...it was fun actually seeing you the other night. I hear we're doing sushi sometime soon. Not so much a sushi fan (I wholeheartedly assume) but the company would be fun. :)